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Have fun and be creative! Fundraising via email and social media is made easy through the use of this page, click the "Click Here to Join" Link Above to get started or to Log back in at any time. The webpage is optional but highly recommended to help with easy fundraising!
Team Captains: Create a Team Fundraising Page first then visit your team’s webpage address and share the link with others whom you’d like to invite to join your team
Join as a Team Member: Visit your team’s webpage to join. Your team captain will have the link to join the his/her team.
Fundraise as an Individual: Click “Create Personalized Webpage” Even if you can't join us for bowling you are welcome to participate in the Bowl-A-Thon and help make a BIG difference for our local youth.
Step 3: RAISE MONEY Fundraisers will receive fundraising tips, ideas, and assistance along the way!
Step 4: FUN- Bowling Day! Fun is the word of the day as teams come together to celebrate their fundraising efforts and the impact it will have on the community. Super Hero and Villain costumes are encouraged! Bowling skills are not required. Participants will enjoy an afternoon full of entertainment, food and prizes!