Golf Event Sponsorships
*All of the following sponsors will receive: Logo on large event sponsor sign listed by sponsorship level, on golf website, event program, recognition at dinner presentation, News-Herald thank you ad, and thank you mention on Mix 97.1.
Torchbearer - Presenting Sponsors - $5,000 Sponsorship includes two (2) complimentary foursomes. Named a presenting sponsor, special recognition during opening and dinner presentations. Company can provide own banner/sign for display during entire event. Option to speak for 3 minutes during dinner presentation.
Golf Swag Sponsor - $ 4,000 Sponsorship includes one (1) complimentary foursome package. Company name and logo on golf swag item. May be a shirt, umbrella or other golf item. 200 items. Special recognition during dinner presentations.
Magic Moments - $2,500 Sponsorship includes one (1) complimentary foursome. Company can provide own banner/sign for display during entire event.
Match Maker - $1,500 Sponsorship includes one (1) complimentary Two-some. Company can provide own banner/sign for display during entire event·
Helping Hand - $500 Sponsorship includes logo on large event sponsor sign. Company can provide own banner/sign for display during entire event ·
Digital Hole Sponsorship - $150 Digital logo appears on Golf Cart Display at hole or yardage location of your choice. Multiple hole sponsorships available. You can purchase as many as you like.
Unique Food and Beverage Special Sponsorships:
Breakfast Sponsor - $1,000 Named breakfast sponsor with signage and special recognition during dinner portion of event.
Lunchbox Sponsor - $4,000 Company name/logo on reusable lunchbox cooler gifts for golfers. Special recognition during dinner portion of event.
Open Beverage Cart Sponsorship - $4,000 Open bar/beverage cart for all guests, Named Open Cart Sponsor with digital image on cart. Company name/logo on beverage cart traveling the course for the duration of event. Company can provide own banner/sign for display during entire event. Social Media exposure. Placement of company name in News-Herald thank you publicity ad and special recognition during dinner portion of event.
Tito's Lemonade Sponsor - $700 Named the official sponsor with signage of the Tito's Lemonade Sponsor for the event.
Sponsorship Registration